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Erie Auto Enhancement Endorsement Offered
Erie Insurance offers an auto enhancement endorsement which includes numerous new coverage features, such as:
Diminishing Deductable - For each consecutive claims-free year that your policy has been in force, any applicable Comprehensive or Collision deductible will be reduced by $100 up to a maximum reduction of $500.
Transportation Expenses - When transportation Expense Coverage applies to a total "loss" we will pay for up to five additional days of transportation expenses which result from a covered Comprehensive or Collision loss after we offer settlement.
Increased Emergency Travel Costs Limit - Reimbursement for travel costs is increased from $75 per person to $150 per person.
Increased Personal Effects Limit - Payment for loss to personal effects is increased from $350 to $500.
Increased Sound Equipment Limit - Payment for loss of permanently installed sound equipment such as CD Players, GPS systems, or TVs has been increased from $1000 to $4000.
Increased Non-owned Trailer Limit - the limit of protection for loss to any trailer not owned by you is increased from $2000 to $3500.
Call the Ron Smith Insurance Agency with any questions or for information about adding this endorsement to your Erie Insurance Auto Policy.
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